Arun Gupta

Update EKS cluster

These instructions explain how to update an Amazon EKS cluster created using eksctl. Complete detailed instructions are available at Updating an Amazon EKS Cluster Kubernetes Version.

Read Kubernetes version skew policy to learn about how much variance is allowed between control plane and data plane. These instructions will update an Amazon EKS 1.11 cluster to 1.12 cluster and then that 1.12 cluster to 1.13. Control planes can only be migrated one minor version at a time.

Create EKS 1.11 cluster

Do things

Update cluster to 1.12

Update control plane

Update add-ons

Update data plane

Access the application

curl http://$(kubectl get svc/myapp-greeting \
    -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}')/hello

Update cluster to 1.13

Update control plane

Update add-ons

Update data plane

Access the application

curl http://$(kubectl get svc/myapp-greeting \
    -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}')/hello